TAXACCTS and Quick Balance
TAXACCTS and Quick Balance are offered as compleatly unlocked Shareware software. You may register both programs for $15.00 and receive printed manuals that will show the power hiden by the easy to use interface.
To register, email a request to black dot belt dot jimmy at gmail dot com.
TAXACCTS is a single entry bookkeeping system designed for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and tightly held corporations. TAXACCTS is ready to run uppon installation with no lengthly account set-up required. With TAXACCTS, simply enter the data and print the reports.
Quick Balance
Quick Balance is a simple check register program that will seamlessly integrate with TAXACCTS.
TAXACCTS installation
TAXACCTS is an old style MS DOS program and as such has some limitations while running in a modern Operating System.
TAXACCTS runs well under Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, and XP. Under Windows NT or Windows 2000 one needs to run an MS DOS emulator such as DosBox. Optionally, one can use another version of Windows or freedos in an emulatior (QEMU works just fine).
Unzip to the root directory to avoid trouble with extra long path names in Windows. ( TAXACCTS will not run properly from the Desktop or My Documents )
DosEMU, or QEMU running MSDOS, freedos or Windows is needed to use TAXACCTS in Linux.
QEMU running MSDOS, freedos or Windows is needed to use TAXACCTS in BeOS. Although BeOS has DosBox, it has trouble with transferring transactions from Quick Balance to TAXACCTS.
Haiku has no trouble using dosbox with Quick Balance and TAXACCTS.